
Friday, November 20, 2009

Christmas Sweets, preview

Yotsuba, don't fall in!
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

and pricing woes. :(

i don't know how to price the 1/3 and 1/4 items. with the amount of clay i use, i could easily make tonnes more of the usual 1/12 scale i am more familiar with. however, i can't possibly charge too high for my larger scaled works. the amount of time i spent conditioning and mixing the colours alone for these few canes....ahhhh i don't even want to think about it. my hands are already throbbing and bruised LOL

these were fun to make. i'll be updating my progress as i prepare for The Doll Affair.

for those who don't already know, i've applied, and have been accepted, and will be having a booth, along with 2 other very talented miniaturists, Asuka Sakumo and Aiclay, it's a ticket-only event, i'm not sure how much it'll be...but do come down if you're free! show us your love! ^ ^


  1. Pricing is completely hard! I struggle with it all of the time. :(

    You want to get paid for your time... oh, it's hard. ;)

    Good luck at the doll fair, how exciting! So nice you will be there with to other mini friends. :)

  2. Dearie, I will try to be down to support you :)!

  3. Thanks Dale and Sans!

    yea pricing is a terrible thing, i at least have a notion as to how i want to price these, let's see if anyone would pay what i ask for ; ;


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D