
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Anime Festival Asia 09 - Candid cosplayer shots

i thoroughly enjoyed myself! there wasn't much to purchase (not into figurines nor gundam XD) but was told by friends who had gone the previous 2 yrs that the booths this year were definitely more commercial and less interactive. and ticket prices had gone up from $5 to $15!! AUGH!

i don't own any of those fancy cameras, and i've reduced resolution/sizes of the pics for ease of upload...but i love candid shots so i guess it works ;P

here's AFA 09 through my eyes ;)

Alodia! i first found out about her on dA while doing a random google search for AFA....what a beauty! the were soon ushered off by that guy on the right, i only reached the impromptu pose/photoshoot in time to capture this :( i think they were cosplaying Witchblade.
ok, i LOVE this girl in the purple wig. she looks so shy and timid, but at the karaoke booth she sang her heart out and the crowd joined her! WOOT WOOT!!!! i have a video of part of her performance, would you like to see it? XD



they start so young..this little girl, i don't think she's older than 12-13 really, was cosplaying Sakura from Naruto. i think. i'm a little(alot?) out of sync with the animes lately..

haha the guy on the right was singing along to lucky star's outro at the same abovementioned karaoke booth. i enjoyed his performance so much, as did the cheering and laughing crowd around him! both are playing characters from FF, i can't remember which.

hokay. that's it. there're more pics on my flickr, i didn't take all that many cos i was busy soaking in the sights.



  1. I love your Petite Fours, they look soooo real, I love the tart ear rings too and can't wait to see the Christmas sweets.

    (Jenny Wren)

  2. Hi Jenny! lol i think you posted in the wrong post, it should be on

    but i'll repost it for you in case i forget and leave you out :)


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D