
Thursday, August 20, 2009

my brother says, getting punched in the face was less painful than this.

i know it's supposed to be the post on STGCC, but i did most of the descriptions over on my flickr, so head on over and lookie there!

been real busy, probably can tell from my posts on flickr that real life caught up...i made a mistake of having coffee this morning while waiting for my brother to come out of surgery and phoo i'm paying for it now. threw up loads in the evening after i got carsick too....mostly just acid really. bro seems fine now i hope he's asleep and not watching anime...

here's pics of the goofy guy pre-and post- op....

hurhur i wonder which he'd prefer me call him, chip, or dale. ;) left could be dale and right, chip? ha!

oh and i snagged a treasury while chatting on etsy, i get all lonesome in the middle of the night....


  1. Hello Snowfern! Can I say your real name here?lol It was nice meeting you in STGCC and thanks for dropping by our booth. You were so bubbly, if only we could keep you to ourselves then!haha

    I didn't know you're working as a paparazzi too. You should have given me a hint so I could had given you my best angle there!haha

    Hey, wish I could do this next year and maybe see you again. You should also exhibit your works!:)

  2. I am going right over to check out STGCC. Yes, you should exhibit next year, Cindy.

    Hope your bro is feeling better.


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