
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

animal cupcakes!

animal cupcakes
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

a repeat customer requested some frog cupcakes for her daughter, and asked if i made any other animals...seeing as how i've never made animal cupcakes before these were certainly a challenge! and we all know how i love challenges :E

of course, these are the better bunch, i experimented with some before i was satisfied, even so i think there's plenty of room for improvement...but i'll leave that to tomorrow i need to do so many things!!

checklist time!

1) finish up tutorial for CDHM
2) send out 2 packages
3) sand and paint the furniture i made
4) make more cupcakes!
5) work on contest entry....i've completed the cake one, just need to finish up the doll.....i don't feel very motivated though :(
6) blog about visit to madam ang's for minifoodblog :D (this should actually be no. 2 on the checklist, but i forgot :X)
7) blog about teammids (i forgot too :X :X :X)
8) replace the links i stupidly forgot to save when i reset the layout for this blog. sigh.

ok! hectic day ahead i better get my energy levels up! nite all!


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