
Sunday, July 19, 2009

all packed up

all packed up
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

and ready to go! i'm so pleased, a previous customer has returned and bought a whole bunch more!

to think before i checked my mail, i was griping to bf that it'd probably be junk mail LOL! i've made up the boxes that weren't pictured, and thrown in a few more goodies! hope she likes them!

an update on dad:

he had 2 of his teeth pulled today :( poor bloke doesn't have much left in his mouth LOL otherwise, he was fine enough to go for his usual saturday afternoon walk to the library....:)

thanks for the well wishes everyone, i really appreciate it, i was quite down and reading the comments cheered me up loads! ^ ^ *warm fuzzy feelings*

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear your Dad is recovering. 63 is pretty young yet so hopefully he will be back to his feisty self soon enough!


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D