
Friday, June 12, 2009

Do you love chocolates?

white choc necklace contents
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

i made some chocolates!

i'll post up more pics, better ones, tomorrow. finally put more stuff up on time for the 12th June showcase!

so far all my customers have gotten their packages, save one, and my bf says that's cos it takes longer for packages to reach europe :( hope it didn't get lost along the way....

i'm also rather pleased that another customer likes her order so much she's ordering more from me :) yay!! go me~!

will be a busy busy day tomorrow, but i'm sure i'll have fun. HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND EVERYONE!

1 comment:

  1. The chocolates look so goooood!!!

    It would be so awesome if you could share photos of Mdm Ang's store on the blog next time you could be The Mini Food Blog's reporter from Singapore!!!


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D