
Friday, May 29, 2009

YAY! my very first Etsy sale!

YAY!!!! my raspberry cake sold!

my very first etsy sale ^ ^ sooo incredibly psyched! i just received payment a few hrs back, i took like, 2 hrs deliberating over bubble wrap and envelope > < i'd actually purchased them 'just in case' and they've been sitting here for over a month HAHAHA

i hope she likes the little freebies i included for being my first customer ^ ^

whee! hope i can sleep tonight, i'll probably be soooo anxious over whether the parcel will reach her safely or if she likes it or or or...ARGH!

funny but true, i wrote my return addy on top left corner of the envelope, reinforced the sides of the envelope with clear masking tape, and then realised i'd forgotten to include the country from which i'd sent the parcel -_-"

and while typing this, i realise that the stamp would probably indicate.....argh i'm so weirded out imma try and sleep now!

(and i went to a really cool exhibition today at La Salle with my cousin, took lots of pics, had lots of fun! but that should be a separate lengthy post ;) )

what a great day it has been, i knew it would be a good one. despite my tummy woes hee hee.


  1. Congrats on your first sale!!! I so understand how you are feeling...I walked around on cloud 9 for like a week after my first sale!

  2. hi!!! thanks for the comment!

    oh mannnnnnnnnn i don't know if i can sleep tonight haha!

    and i love dragons too, your dragons are :O

  3. Congratulations on your first sale!! It's always so exciting to get a sale! Many more to come! :)

    Pei Li

  4. hee hee yes it is! thank you Pei Li!

  5. Congrats thats wonderful. Mini hugs!

  6. Congrats!!First and many more sales.Im really glad the charlotte was sold,clearly it was a gd choice..

    haha,i kinda regretted it,does looked really pretty,different from the other one u created but just as lovely..

    Good luck to u babe,
    Joanne Teh


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