
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Of flowers and butterflies

Rose Earrings 2
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

i love them both. and so, here they are together. :)

i am thinking of putting these up on etsy, but i might stress test a pair before offering any accessories, i do not like the idea that they might fall apart just after (or even before!) one wear.

i stuck the roses on with PVC glue, but i think i might need to reinforce them with superglue, anyone have any suggestions?

on a personal note, am just getting over a pretty bad bout of diarrhoea :( see what happens when you suffer from anosmia and do not know if what you're eating is spoilt? :( :( :(

1 comment:

  1. hi this is jocelyn (i'm the one who's leaving u tags in ur flickr recently!) anyway i've popped over to your blog, and BECAUSE i've suffered badly due to incompatibility of superglue etc, i recommend you to use 2part epoxy resin! can get in homefix stores. get the transparent/translucent ones. :) hope it helps!

    you can come check out my polymer clay adventures at too! :)


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D