
Monday, May 11, 2009

boxes of eclairs and macarons, would you like a tutorial?

boxes of eclairs and macarons
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

i am quite pleased with the results of the eclairs! it is my first attempt at eclairs, i will be making darker coloured chocolate ones tmrw, hope they turn out well!

meanwhile, just to see if anyone's watching, would you mind commenting if you're interested in a tutorial on the eclairs? i'm not sure how others view the eclairs, i would be more than happy to share if enough people are keen (how many is enough? LOL? ) otherwise boo, means i need more work on these......


  1. I would sure love a tutorial. They look delicious! Also, if you do post a tutorial, may I repost it on the mini food blog? You will of course get credit as the instructor :)

  2. Yes please! Moi wan to learn how to make food oso... only how to make chair nia.

    Darker chocolate on top of the eclairs pls.

  3. Sumaiya, of course you may! it will be my payback to all the wonderful tutorial makers out there...i'm too cheap to buy books > < hee hee

    Daisy, you've always been wonderfully supportive, thank you!

    hi hashbrown, are you from edmw? hee hee yes i've made the tutorial to show the dark brown eclairs, i don't think i took enough pictures though oops....


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D