ooh look, more colour! XD
oops. colours look a little washed out here.
let's take a closer look....each danish is approx. 1 cm wide. 1:12 scale.
mm. i like this shot.
very odd. i took these 2 pics under 'fluorescent mode' on my camera, and they look prettier than the ones i used 'sunlight mode' on. grrr.
i'm so pleased that the tray fits nicely into the 'bread box'/display unit that i made out of acrylic sheets and recycled packaging. yes you heard (read?) right, i am resourceful that way. that and i have a lot of junk lying around. i take ages to empty my bin. maybe that was A Good Thing (tm) in order for this project to succeed.

see the stupid scratches? yea, there's serious issues with my construction methods. the bread box wasn't meant to be constructed this way.
but do i care? NO. cos i'm too tired from all that sanding and cutting to care anymore! that and getting E6000 stuck all over the places except on the plastic where it was supposed to go.
another vanity shot. cos i can. :P
my inspiration for this bread box came about from a wonderful tutorial held on CDHM. the link is to the right of my blog, if you aren't already a member you probably can't view it, but membership is free, and the tutorials there are AWESOME. it was originally done in wood, and Linda of http://linsminis.blogspot.com/, has also made her version of it in her latest post (as of this post, that is hehehe). i think the tutorial is excellent, and a must-see/must-do. thank you SOOOO much Lauretta! you can also find more of Lauretta's work here:
she does mostly 1:144 scaled houses, and they're all....jaw-droppingly beautiful. i hope one day to try it too, so many things to do, so much pain my hands, and so little time!! augh!
so why didn't i make it in wood like in the tutorial? uhm. i donno. cos i was itching to give it my own twist, and decided, there's only so much i could do with wood since i'm really quite bad at it judging from the little experience i had. not that i'm any better with acrylics, but i really really love clear plastics/acrylic displays....it's tough to work with it but i think on the whole it's worth it. :D i'm getting better i hope!
and....back to the drab colours.....
seeing double? or triple (since i posted something similar recently)?
above are the non-prototypes :P finally got the bread portion done.
ok i think that covers updates. gonna go work on more of 'something old' again. yea you guessed it, macarons -_-"